Monday, July 5, 2010

Slip and What?

Some toys you just have to wonder how they've stayed around for so long. A slip and slide. Really? It's more of a run, fall, take all the skin off your knees then pretend you enjoyed it.

No matter how they dress it up you still have to run at this thin strip of plastic on the hard ground and hope you will go "sliding" to the end. And, if you're lucky enough to make it to the slipping part you'd better hope you don't "slide" off the end.

We got out the slip and slide today for Will. He was so excited. The plastic was stretched out, the water was running (spraying on the plastic all the way down to the end) and all that was left was the sliding. He took a look at it from the end and just looked at me. He then said "what now?" um, you slide. He was clueless. His next statement was "I'm supposed to throw myself down that?" I said "yep. That's how it works." He said "Then what?" I had no answer other than to urge him to try it.

Is this just something that we buy for our children because we remember having to master the art of slip and sliding and we're forcing our children to do the same? Some things could be made better but we force our children to go without those luxuries. Think about it....what about that banana seat on the bikes? Comfy, smooshy and a joy to sit on yet we give our children tiny little seats that are hard as rocks? Don't even get me started on the cool flag I had on the back of my banana seat bike!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

One more thing

One more thing while we're on the subject of whys.....I wonder why we do the things we do.

Please say a little prayer for my mom who, since the stroke, can't figure out why I don't want to get in contact with  my ex-step family. Pray that she doesn't remember why.

Pray that Cliff finds a new job so that he can be happy.

Pray that Asa is given his retirement benefits and is able to move to Nac-a-no-where and can just "be" for a change.

Pray for a friend with migraines, a friend who needs a nudge, a friends who needs a hug, a friend who is lonely and pray for a teacher who has touched many, many lives.

I know those are pretty big requests but it seems everyone needs something these days.

Happy Fourth of July

I started out today sure that today was going to be special. I was wrong.
Hubby isn't moving off the bed at all. Son is wild into everything and making his list of fireworks he wants for tonight. DD is asleep still. Oh wait, she woke up. Eldest DD is off with her beau helping his aunt move and then to dinner.
Me? Same story as every day. Clean up. Clean up. What's that song? Clean up clean up everybody everywhere clean up clean up everybody do your share..... I think it was from the show The Box....or was it Barney? Why is it always me doing the clean up?
Rewards? What are the rewards for cleaning? A lovely house? Nah! It's trashed by the next day. Pride? Forget it. Rewards are that it isn't doubly as bad tomorrow morning I guess.
Fireworks are already starting. I had to go check to make sure it wasn't Will setting off his own but luckily it wasn't.
Off to figure out why the air conditioner decided to stop working today. The joys of it all!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Today's Tasks

Today I MUST remember to get Libby's required reading. After 5 minutes of searching through the KISD website, I finally found the required reading suggestions....either The Book Thief or The Road. Guess I have to wait for princess to wake up to make her choice. Neither is what I'd call light summer reading!

New Day, New Trials

Thunder booming outside turned out to be the garbage men on their 60 mile per hour romp through our neighborhood. Luckily, I'd put the trash out last night. I'm beginning to "get" these guys. To them it's perfectly acceptable to not only zoom through the neighborhood, block the entire street, throw trash cans into the street if they don't think they can make it back to the yard but also to go backwards on some streets so they don't have to bother making a u-turn. Don't believe me? Check out Promenade on Trash pick up days! I've seen it during school zone hours!
More thunder. Guess it really is thunder now. No pool party today. Doesn't much matter because within 2 days our little pool has turned green. Yes, I went and purchased the chemicals but they're still sitting by the back door. Haven't quite made it out there yet to administer them. Guess I've been busy.
My backyard Libasis is coming along great. I call it that because I asked Libby at the start of summer what she most wanted. Her answer was for the backyard to look like an outdoor oasis. I started planting and sprucing right then. It is a bit difficult to work around the vehicle parked in the yard but that's a totally different issue. Anyway, the elephant ears, glads, hosta, grapes, airplane plants, caladeums and so much more a blooming and beautiful now. After I spent the afternoon mowing and weeding "sweetie, how do you like your little oasis?" Her answer - "What oasis?"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hi There

I've decided to start another blog. One that my friends can read. I've kept the other secret as I have used it as way to vent. Now that I'm determined to be an adult I will blog in the open. No longer calling names or hiding behind my secret blog.
So, there it is, I'm now "out" in the blog world.
Today was hectic. Will had a neuro appointment at 9:30am. In our traffic that means we had to leave the house no later than 8:30 to make it on time. We drug our feet. I couldn't seem to get going. Finally, we made it to the medical center right at 9:30. Right up to the neuro floor of Texas Childrens. It was at that point that it dawned on me that I was in the wrong building. This appointment wasn't with the TCH, it was with the University of Texas Neuro. Great. Phone call made in the elevator on the way to the garage to pay for the parking that I didn't need in the first place. $2 thank you very much for screwing up and giving us even more money!
Off to the right spot. University of Texas. Wouldn't you know it....a jam at the ticket booth on the way into the garage. Finally someone got out of a car in front of us and helped the poor lost soul who couldn't get the ticket button to work (no, it wasn't me!).  So, we were on our way.
I called Caitlin and got the correct suite number so I didn't mess it up again. It was now 10am. When you make these appointments months in advance it really hurts to miss one. I'm trying not to show the panic I'm feeling to Will. We got to the office and the lady at the front said the doctor had to decide whether or not to see us since we were so late. Otherwise known as the "make you sweat so you appreciate it more and are never late again" routine.
The doc did decide to see Will. Yippee!
I started asking my questions and he looked about as clueless as I did when I was at the wrong hospital. My questions centered around the chromosomal abnormality that was found in Will's recent genetic testing. He just looked at me. He asked me to call them and see about getting the results faxed to him. I tried and got nowhere.
Apparently he was not sent the results of the sleep study nor the genetics testing.
When I told him what the pediatrician had shared about the extra chromosomes he perked up. All of the sudden he wanted the numbers so he could make the calls. Funny how a little rare genetic thing can make their day.  We were not able to get the papers to them in time but he suggested based on what I remembered (which really is a BAD idea) that we get Will in to see an endocrinologist. He said he could play around with the hormones and maybe try to get Will feeling better.
I asked him about homeschooling Will as it seems my only option at this point. He suggested we request this special testing by the district (or on our own if the insurance will pay for it) to determine just how Will should be taught. I guess we get no summer at all this year. I'd so hoped this was the last visit until August. It just never works out like we hope.
On top of that, the Pillsbury news just crushed me. Okay, not crushed, but it was something hanging out there to be excited about and now it's gone.
Gotta go. Will just informed me that the hula hoop just bounced off the ground and is now on the roof. You'd be amazed at what an ordinary hula hoop can do all by itself!

Pillsbury Crescent Ambassador I'm not!

I was searching a few Pillsbury related things online just now and saw several posts that people have been notified that they made the cut down to the final cut on the ambassador deal. Since I haven't gotten that call I'm guessing I'm out of the running. I never should have looked so I would still be walking on cloud nine over making it from 3000 down to one of 100. Oh well. At least I don't have to wait for that call now, do I? It frees up so much time!

I can't say I'm not disappointed but it was fun trying. We eat so many Pillsbury items it would have been nice to get to show some of them off for a change. I'll have to stick to making them for the annual Halloween Blast instead.

Speaking of which, we're working on the plans for the decorations at the moment. We had so much vandalism last year with several of the decorations being stolen. We'll have to pretty much start over. I want to rebuild the fence and make it stronger. We'll stick with the tongue in cheek style we've always had but it will definitely be different. I have plans in my head. I just hope they transfer to the yard!

Slam Dunk with SkullBall game in the yard